•MD, PhD at University of Nantes
•Director of FOCIS Center of Excellence at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Awarded with the Junior Basic Science Grant from the European Society for Organ Transplantation in 2009. Associate Professor at University of Nantes (2011-2012). Associate Professor in Immunology at Faculty of Medicine, University of the Republic. Principal Investigator of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation and Inflammation at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo. Director of the Centre for Translational Immunology (Centre of Excellence of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies). Up to date, he has published 36 scientific papers in international journals and has 4 patent request USPTO, USA.
María Varela
Chief Executive Officer
María Varela
Chief Executive Officer
•BS in Biochemistry
•MSt. in Biotechnology
Biochemist Degree from University of the Republic of Uruguay, and Biotechnology Magister Program, led me to the experience and interaction in several laboratories. Despite the variable focus of each department I've worked in, my experience as scientist led me to discover that my real motivation relies on the translational bridge from laboratory to clinical impact. As a Biotech Entrepreneur I found in ARDAN PHARMA the perfect opportunity to jump into new interactions between academia and industry.
Pablo Oppezzo
Chief Hematology-Oncology Officer
Pablo Oppezzo
Chief Hematology-Oncology Officer
•PhD at University of Paris
•PI at Institute Pasteur of Montevideo
Dr. Oppezzo has published more than 50 scientific papers in high impact factor journals such as Blood, Leukemia and Cancer Research. His research focuses on the mechanisms involved in the origins and progression of B-cell malignancies, specifically in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). He was the principal coordinator of the first CLL regional network through the CYTED international project (Programa Ibero Americano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo) between 2011 and 2014, and co-founder of the Latin American Group on CLL (LAG-CLL). Dr. Oppezzo has been member of the international scientific committee for the Young Investigators Meeting during the International CLL workshop and is an active member of the scientific and organizing committees of the IberoAmerican CLL meetings.
List of the main published works in:
Board of Directors
Oren Gershtein
Oren Gershtein
Oren Gershtein specializes in creating innovation ecosystems and laying the groundwork for knowledge economies.
In the 15 years before founding IdealityRoads, Oren developed over 75 start-ups, bringing them from their initial concept to running as fully functioning businesses. He has served as CEO of one of the top technology incubators in Israel, Van Leer Ventures, and held leadership roles in Israeli Venture Capital and was an active board member and chairman in early-stage ventures across multiple industries.
María Varela
María Varela
•BS in Biochemistry
•MSt. in Biotechnology
Biochemist Degree from University of the Republic of Uruguay, and Biotechnology Magister Program, led me to the experience and interaction in several laboratories. Despite the variable focus of each department I've worked in, my experience as scientist led me to discover that my real motivation relies on the translational bridge from laboratory to clinical impact. As a Biotech Entrepreneur I found in ARDAN PHARMA the perfect opportunity to jump into new interactions between academia and industry.
Willam Mann
Willam Mann
•Expertise spans in Biopharma life-cycle, profitability and Business Development
Combines scientific credibility and business acumen. Drives early-stage companies to commercial and regulatory success. Proven track record in start-up, mid-sized and large company environments.
Advisory Board
Silvina García Rubio
Advisory Board Member
Silvina García Rubio
Advisory Board Member
•Process Chemistry and Program Management.
•Specialities: Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control.
Mercedes Lassus
Advisory Board Member
Mercedes Lassus
Advisory Board Member
•Medical oncologist, with years of industry experience as global head of development for oncology, endocrinology and parasitic diseases in two major pharmaceutical firms.
•Specialties: Drug development plans, study design, portfolio management, registration strategy, evaluation of in/outlicensing opportunities.
Colin Bier
Advisory Board Member
Colin Bier
Advisory Board Member
PhD, Toxicologist. Managing and Scientific Director at ABA BioResearch, Inc.
Proven excellence in transitioning preclinical programs to clinical-stage drug development. Extensive knowledge across toxicology, regulatory and profitability business within the biotech and pharmaceutical sector.
Yves Decadt
Advisory Board Member
Yves Decadt
Advisory Board Member
Eng, MBA.
Entrepreneurial CEO, form startup to IPO stages.
18 years at Johnson & Johnson, of which 10 years in the Global Business Development & Licensing group (based in Belgium, USA and Switzerland)
Laurent Jacqueroud
Advisory Board Member
Laurent Jacqueroud
Advisory Board Member
PhD, PM.
Experienced business development professional with an extensive network in biotech, the pharmaceutical industry, venture capital firms and technology transfer offices.
Scientific Team
Dr. Hill is Principal Investigator at Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, leading Immunoregulation and inflammation Laboratory
Dr. Oppezzo is Principal Investigator at Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, leading the Research Laboratory on Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia
Strategic Partners
ARDAN PHARMA is open to partnerships with industry and academia. For more information please contact info@ardan-pharma.com